Sunday, May 22, 2016

Buea Sexual Occultism: Is it occult or cult of changing behaviours?

Occult is defined as a "mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena" while Cult is defined as "a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure" or "object or a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society ".
Recently, Baretanews and most Cameroonians had cried out loud about sex videos coming from Cameroon most especially Buea. We have seen screenshots of the most sacred part of girls being exposed online, either by them or their so called boyfriends which they shared these things with.
Just two days ago, BaretaNews came across another sex tape video online. It was forwarded to me by three different persons as they deemed it wise that I should caution about it. This video is very vulgar. You could see the face of the girl and the very hard penis of the boy fucking the girl perniciously. The face of the boy is not shown, but that of the girl is very glaring. BaretaNews can't tell if this was made public by the girl or the boy or it is some form of new pornography in Buea. It seems there are many whatsapp groups in Buea just for things like this. The boys seem to be enjoying it.
The rate at which girls from Buea and Cameroon at large are engaging in online pornography, whether it is screenshots of their parts send to a boy or sex tape of them massaging their vagina with their fingers or one in which the boy is virtually fucking the girl is hard to tell.
BaretaNews understand that these things might be normal in the western world amongst certain groups of people, but this is foreign to our culture and/or ways of doing things. What is happening to Buea? Buea is gradually becoming something else. Is it that it is part of occultism as a mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena that makes the girls to engage in these issues or is it that it is just a cult as in a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society? Should we accept that it is a cult which is becoming fashionable within the girls in Buea? Is it a form of making money and/or to satisfy a guy because you want to get married to him? Or is it just for fun? I am still to decipher what we can attribute these things to.
Where have we kept our African values? Sex should be sacred. Our bodies should be sacred and all those girls/boys engaging in these acts should seek better ways of enjoying sex, one of the sweetest gift God gave our body.
What have you?
NB: No one should ask me for the video. Unfortunately, because of what I do online on Facebook, I received these videos often without asking. I watch and delete them immediately.
God is still saying something.

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