Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Beyond the Anglophone problem is a crisis within the Anglophones

George Orwell once said "In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia". As a free thinker, I recognize the need for breakthroughs, new mindsets and the ever popular call to ‘think outside of the box’. As concerning this topic, the Box is the Anglophone problem, but I am obliged to think outside the box by looking at the problems among the citizens of Southern Cameroons. I agree 100% that there is an Anglophone problem, however, we should not pretend as if all is well among the Anglophone community which is going to take us nowhere if left unsolved. Take for instance the regional barriers among the Anglophones

1) For a considerable period of time there has been an existence of regional loggerhead between the indigenes of the North West and South West regions. Some people have blamed it on the Biya's regime accusing it of using the tactics of "Divide and Rule" as an apparatus to obstruct Anglophones from having a common ground. However, I believe the blame is to be shared between the regime and "us" since the regime is instigating a strategy which works in her favor. We were also required to put forth a counter strategy to rebuke the divide and rule agenda .

The notorious "Cam no go slogan" is still alive and strong among Southern Cameroonians. A small institution like UB have been and is still being used as a battlefield between the indigenous people and the so called outsiders. Even with the creation of a University in Bamenda we could all witness an elitist struggle within the North west elites as the respective elites were clamoring for sections of the university to be built in their localities. I don't think there is any region in Cameron that has experience inter tribal wars in contemporary times like the North West region and parts of the Manyu division precisely Akwaya. We can never forge ahead with such disunity based on ethnicity

2) It is true not every Anglophone is oblige to support the struggle of the SCNC, but my worry is that the said group is loudest in immigration offices across western nations than the reality on the ground. Most people who have used the said group to pursue their personal gains abroad are the same people condemning the movement as a lame dog fighting a loose battle. Believe it or not a greater percentage of what the Anglophones have realized today is thanks to the pressure set forth by the SCNC. Yes, it's true the movement is witnessing a diversion of ideology between the moderates (pushing for Federation before secession) and the extremist (pushing for Instant secession).It it but normal to have such school of thoughts within every movement. Let's imagine a scenario where southern Cameroons achieve her independence. What will actually happen within our mist in respect to power struggle marching our ethnic and regional lines.

I am not a prophet of doom, but I believe we need not to wait for such moment before thinking about possible solutions to eradicate the division among us. If we want to grow above our present position then we have to stop seeing everything from the lens of ethnicity. Man is greater than his ethnic group, if not God would have created ethnic groups prior to creating man If we are not able to solve our differences, it would be a near impossibility to confront our common enemy in tackling the marginalization issue. while I feel delighted that many Anglophones can see the truth and recognize it, I also belief greater participation by Anglophones, generated via institutional reforms and a revived civic responsibility is imperative in solving this mishap.

 Proposed Solution:

The need for an All Anglophone Conference (AAC) We need an All Anglophone conference more than ever. Members of the civil societies , Chiefs , Fons , Stake holders regardless of their political affiliation need to come together to explain, share and seek for solutions to achieve oneness among Anglophones. Our strength should be drawn from our weakness .There is no doubt this would reawaken Anglophone Cameroonians from all works of life to understand the reality as well importance oneness. If we are not united, we are bound to fall like a house of cards and repression will remain our portion.

Timah Rene Motangu

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Cameroons Creed


By Bara Mark, 21st May 2016.
Copy Rights Reserved

The Cameroons Creed

We believe in the fall of Paul Biya,
the dictator almighty of Cameroon,
creator of corruption. Destroyer of the Republic Economy.
We believe in the failing words of Paul Biya .
He was conceived by the power of the evil spirit
and born from the souls of Ahidjo and France.
He enjoys under the sufferings of the Cameroons people,
he has crucified, blocked and buried the aspirations and development of the Cameroons people. He would be descended into hell after his office, on the right day, he shall be judged, sentenced to life imprisonment.
The Cameroons people shall ascend into a new regime to smile again after his reign, they shall be treated with love, dignity and patriotism by the new Peoples' President.
All Cameroonians whether Anglophones and Francophones shall be seated at the table of equality.
We believe in the peoples' power , the  blessings of the fore parents,
the communion and the rise of all souls killed by the Biya regime,
the forgiveness of all those who participated in Biya's regime, but the punishment of Biya's disciples according to the law,  the resurrection of a new Cameroon,  and blessings from God almighty to safeguard the people from another Biya.

NB: Inspiration from the Catholic Creed.

Buea Sexual Occultism: Is it occult or cult of changing behaviours?

Occult is defined as a "mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena" while Cult is defined as "a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure" or "object or a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society ".
Recently, Baretanews and most Cameroonians had cried out loud about sex videos coming from Cameroon most especially Buea. We have seen screenshots of the most sacred part of girls being exposed online, either by them or their so called boyfriends which they shared these things with.
Just two days ago, BaretaNews came across another sex tape video online. It was forwarded to me by three different persons as they deemed it wise that I should caution about it. This video is very vulgar. You could see the face of the girl and the very hard penis of the boy fucking the girl perniciously. The face of the boy is not shown, but that of the girl is very glaring. BaretaNews can't tell if this was made public by the girl or the boy or it is some form of new pornography in Buea. It seems there are many whatsapp groups in Buea just for things like this. The boys seem to be enjoying it.
The rate at which girls from Buea and Cameroon at large are engaging in online pornography, whether it is screenshots of their parts send to a boy or sex tape of them massaging their vagina with their fingers or one in which the boy is virtually fucking the girl is hard to tell.
BaretaNews understand that these things might be normal in the western world amongst certain groups of people, but this is foreign to our culture and/or ways of doing things. What is happening to Buea? Buea is gradually becoming something else. Is it that it is part of occultism as a mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena that makes the girls to engage in these issues or is it that it is just a cult as in a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society? Should we accept that it is a cult which is becoming fashionable within the girls in Buea? Is it a form of making money and/or to satisfy a guy because you want to get married to him? Or is it just for fun? I am still to decipher what we can attribute these things to.
Where have we kept our African values? Sex should be sacred. Our bodies should be sacred and all those girls/boys engaging in these acts should seek better ways of enjoying sex, one of the sweetest gift God gave our body.
What have you?
NB: No one should ask me for the video. Unfortunately, because of what I do online on Facebook, I received these videos often without asking. I watch and delete them immediately.
God is still saying something.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Prof Peter Agbor Tabi: Love, Intellectual and African Tradition.

Since the death of Professor Peter Agbor Tabi, we have been made to understand through online commentaries that he loved Manyu people dearly, he was an intellectual and due to African tradition, we shouldn't speak evil of him.
I want to state that we are dealing here with thesame problem, same backward thinking, same psychological damage of the minds of Cameroonians by Mr Biya’s system.
Predominantly, natives of Manyu have claimed he loved them because he used his influence as a minister of higher education to ensure undeserving Manyu youths are admitted into Cameroons premier teacher training college –ENS. This was at the expense of other deserving and qualified Cameroonians. According to them, he was a bold man who played with the system for the benefit of his people.
I just want to state that I personally find these comments insulting, even though I have members of my own immediate maternal family who benefitted from this scam. There is nothing wrong in wanting to help your own people and to love them. But you do not express love to your own people by denying others of their own right as Cameroonians to pursue their own careers.
ENS was never Agbor Tabi’s personal property. It was a state institution designed to accommodate every deserving Cameroonian. Denying others the opportunity to pursue their careers there purely because they came from the wrong tribe was completely wrong. And to want to justify it purely because everyone else in his rank as minister was doing something similar is naïve.
A wicked system is a wicked system and there are always people who even in that kind of a system will always want to act right. As an example, Chiune a Japanese diplomat during World War II used his influence to help 6,000 Jews who were at risked of being killed by Hitler to leave Europe by issuing transit visas so that they could travel to Japanese territory, risking his career and his family's lives. During the Rwandan genocide, there were people who lost their lives because they refused to act like a majority of people by killing others from other tribes. That’s how love can be expressed even in dangerous circumstances.
Agbor Tabi’s case was a choice which expressed hate on Cameroonians/Cameroon. He didn’t love Cameroon and he didn’t love even those he helped as in his pursuit for power, he was using them and he didn’t mind setting them up against other Cameroonians. Everyone wants to become something in this life and the desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature. Once rights are denied or people are forced due to circumstances to pursue the wrong career choice, then society can’t function properly.
On the issue of African tradition not to speak evil of the death, I will like to state that we are not interested in any lectures that are not based on sound moral principles and critical judgment. Just like what the Germans and Europeans did when Hitler was defeated, we are never going to be bullied but we are going to study the life of every Cameroonian who has worked closely with Biya. The reason for this is very simple - we don’t want some of the wicked things they did to happen again and we also have to try to recover some of the money they stole from the system. Once Biya is out, we are going to enact new laws to ensure what the likes of Agbor Tabi did should never happen again.
Every Cameroonian deserves respect. Those who always invoke this issue of African tradition only when they want to silence the voices of other Cameroonians should be careful. The same African tradition suggests that the youths have the right to kill through stoning anyone who is “suspected” of bewitching them. Does Mbella Moki Charles who brought up this issue consistently want us to ask the unemployed Cameroon youths to start picking up “suspects” randomly and stoning them? The CPDM should stop their foolishness and let us live.

Rexon Nting, PhD

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Arrest of Journalists: All For Nothing Principle, Another Touch

I have read keenly Journalists on social media, especially Journalists from the private media mounting operation release of a colleague who was recently arrested. Tapang Ivo Tanku earlier reported that State journalist, Teke Julius, working with Cameroon Radio Television, CRTV was arrested for covering the PM visit.
This is a state journalist arrested because he was recording some comments being made by some senior officials concerned with the completion of the Limbe Omnisport Stadium and other projects the PM was visiting. Some men in uniform at the behest of the SDO of FAKO ordered his rest. Senior CRTV Journalist John Mbah Akuroh first reported on the issue, followed by Solomon Amabo Amabo who lastly reported that Julius has been freed.
Another Journalist by name Kingsley Ako Tanyi has publicly called for a nationwide protest calling for Zangs dismissal. He insinuated CRTV journalist should ground the media outfit until Zang who is supposed to be on retirement is dismissed. Another Journalist, Mr Filla Nabil pondered and asked the following questions:
1. CRTV GM Amadou Vamoulke was present during the arrest and together with CRTV SW station manager, they went about their business leaving Teke to his devices. (Scoffing) Talk about a Simon Peter denial
2 - Issa Tchirouma was present (perhaps this isn't so shocking) and did nothing to stop this obvious trampling on press freedom.
BaretaNews Comes In:
While Journalists should be protected, I decry the arrest of any means of freedom of expression. Why two wrongs cannot make a right, I was made to understand that equity should not suffer on the altar of "let it be". I read with keen interest how all journalists on social media mobilised and called for the release of Teke, a CRTV Journalist. We have seen numerous private journalists and communicators arrested so many times, hardly could we see any current CRTV Journalists coming out forcefully for those in the private sector, to denounce and condemn, except those who hold office within their union albeit doing it grudgingly and slowly. Do CRTV Journalists belong to the elite class of Journalism in the Cameroons?
Why should journalists from the private sector, cry more often when it concerns state journalists? Do not get me wrong, my experience is that when something happens to a journalist who is not of CRTV origin, we get only those of the private sector coming out, those of the CRTV remains quiet and protected. They do not condemn. They become the loudest people only when they leave office and some still sing the CPDM Hallelujah. A journalist is a journalist and there should be no distinction whether you work with the state or private sector. Yes, if they can't show sympathy for a private journalist on national or regional radio, which is understood, don't they have social media accounts to come out and denounce. How many of them does that? I may be wrong.
I am just worried about the class the CRTV journalists are trying to draw. Those of the private sector look at them like mini gods within the field when they can be better. Now a private journalist is calling on them to protest. Things are changing fast, while I appreciate and happy that Teke has been released, there should be an " All For Nothing Principle" when it comes to Journalists in the Cameroons.
This is just a food for thoughts. Look at the bigger picture. It should be a two-way traffic, that's where unity succeeds. No stones thrown.
God is still saying something.
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Saturday, May 7, 2016


To be a SOBAN is a radical notion that we are inimitable and qualitatively different
SOBAN exceptionalism is a theory that we are a distinctive, sophisticated, and blessed bunch
It is a God-given privilege that warranties the wholesome possibilities of a shared humanity
It is an extraordinary badge of honor that many wished they can claim, but too bad, they can’t
It is a singular and majestic idea that must be experienced in order for it to be appreciated
It is a quintessential fraternal fellowship of preeminent men, convened by St. Joseph, our Patron
It is about purposeful living of truth-telling and bearing prophetic witness to justice and peace
It is about crusaders of goodwill touching the world with the practical virtue of soul force
It is about a band of firebrands who’ve embraced God as the compass of their earthly sails
It is about a luminary brotherhood of compassion, love, grace, mercy, honor, and respect
To be a SOBAN is not about pathological self-righteousness and impulse to bamboozle
It is not about avaricious aggrandizing pursuit of ephemeral and mundane worldly acquisitions
It is about the art of abundant living, moral craving and resolution to repair a wounded world
It is about disciplined inner character, righteous fury, and intense discernment of right and wrong
it is about coping with the cumbersome mystical question, ‘what it means to be human?’
It is about contending with the provocative question, ‘how do we want to leave the world?’
It is about evoking God’s face in moments of anguish, dealing with a stranger or the ‘the other’
It is about renaissance men devoting their work-a-day endeavors for the wellbeing of fellow men
It is about well-groomed men not here gluttonously for themselves, but for generations to come
It is really about care for the fears, pains, and sufferings of underdogs amongst God’s children
To be a SOBAN is about being fan # 1 displaying total loyalty and adherence to SAJOSCOL
It is about giving back bigheartedly and ungrudgingly to a citadel that gave us so much
It is about a fierce pledge to guarantee SASSE its station as the foremost college in the land
It is about cultivating the dreams and promises of the divinatory Mill Hill Missionaries
It is about keeping it real and staying true to the treasured values and doctrines imbued in us
It is about curiosity without assumptions and valuing dignity in differences in all His children
It is about not turning our backs; disserting prisoners of hope knocked out by life’s punches
It is not about classism, elitism, feyship; it is about a shared life; an indivisible brotherhood
It is certainly not about survival of the fittest; winners take it all; it is not about dog eat dog
It is all about surrendering to something bigger than us so that we can attain quiet peace
To be a SOBAN means staying humble in the face of fiascos, triumphs, and uncertainties
It is about accepting that despite our personage, we are flawed and inadequate before Him
It is about strategic and visionary leadership while mindful of following cheerfully, as well
It is about positive and uplifting leadership, assisting others reach their fullest aptitudes
It is about courageously answering present because anonymity is easy and breeds irresponsibility
It is about not staying neutral or siding with the oppressor in circumstances of unfairness
It is about taking bold stance on socioeconomic, political, and spiritual matters, even if risky
It is about authentic living, embracing tough principles and practicing rigorous accountability
It is about being involved, engaged, and active locally, nationally, and internationally It is about being a SOBAN because SOBANISM is the ultimate measure of being a man
By Agbor Baiyee
SOBA America – 25th Anniversary Convention Magazine

Sunday, April 24, 2016



We are Cameroonian doctors in our country and around the world, united by love of our country, our profession and our patients. We decided today to leave the reserve that characterizes our work in writing this manifesto.

Our goal is to contribute to the improvement of our health system, to the satisfaction of all.
Our health system is experiencing a dramatic crisis affecting our lives, our bodies, our souls and our honor. Thousands of men, women and children die every day in the health facilities of the country, unable to meet the costs of their care. We are witnessing a recurrence of screaming malfunctions sign that it is time for a profound reform. Because the weight of these failures is endorsed by all health care providers with a stoicism pushed to the limits of endurance, in our souls and consciences, and at this crucial time in the history of the medical profession in Cameroon

We CAN longer remain silent over the deterioration of the quality of care in care facilities in the public and private sectors in Cameroon.
We CAN NOT more helplessly to all these preventable deaths at all ages in different health facilities in the country for financial, infrastructure and equipment, throughout the course of care.
We are outraged by the resurgence of denigration against care givers held responsible for all the ills of the health system in general indifference.
We REFUSE to bear the responsibility for public health policy as we are not alone policymakers strategic directions, including aspects of health financing and accessibility of care.
We refute allegations that the absence of a universal health insurance system would be the result of a lack of resources while poorer countries than ours succeeded, proof that solutions exist.
We denounce the commercialism and bad practices in our profession and we will continue to participate in combat in accordance with the code of medical ethics.
We REGRET the failure of the technical means available to us forcing us to often anachronistic practices, sometimes approximate and not in line with international recommendations based on scientific evidence.
We REGRET the low involvement of the population in the issues of health, on such aspects as prevention, community involvement, but also the process of decision making.
We REGRET shy regulation of consumption of products harmful to health (alcohol, tobacco, soft drinks, contaminated food ...) and the products of our traditional medicine, and the low Suppression of Unlawful sale of counterfeit drugs in the streets of our cities.

We REFUSE iniquitous material condition that is ours and the condescension with which we are treated in our home institutions, governments, our employers and some of our fellow citizens.
We INSURGEONS WE AGAINST the low remuneration of our practice and ask the revaluation thereof for doctors in public and private sectors, as well as nurses and other staff of health, up to the cost of living, level of studies, and the risks they face.
We denounce the unfair redistribution of hospital revenues from our own benefit, and taken hostage by leaders in our places of attachment.
We challenge the authoritarian management of some leaders of our hospitals and cliniquesd'exercice that do not reflect our aspirations for optimal working conditions for the benefit of our patients.
We REGRET mediocrity of the doctor's career profile, centralization and arbitrariness of human resources management, which takes into account neither the performance nor the competence nor the real needs in hospitals.
We REFUSE the sidelining of key health stakeholders such as doctors, nurses and other health personnel in the institutional debates and decision making on health in general.
We HEAR bring our collective proposals force from consensus within an umbrella organization,


It is essential to ensure that every citizen of our country, and in the spirit of the Act N ° 96/03 of 04 January 1996 on the Framework Law of Health in Cameroon, an assumption that in the absence of be universal immediately, the exemption actually pay for access to care in the critical emergency situations. The institutionalization of universal health coverage will be gradual and adapted to the local context.

Health has no price but it has a cost and we are aware. The increase in the allocation of state budget to the health sector would be currently around 9%, should reach the minimum of 15% adopted by the African Union. Increased funding of the health sector is an investment in national human capital, essential condition to ensure the emergence of Cameroon. We aim to find innovative ways based on new technologies and the availability of mobile phones to promote, facilitate and secure the financing of health. For example, the possibility of charging a bill to a phone number or payment by third persons away. We advocate the development of a local pharmaceutical industry capable of manufacturing of essential drugs and consumables.

It is essential to ensure in health facilities at all levels of the pyramid, a minimum package of essential care guaranteed under all circumstances. It is necessary that:
- Create a platform for coordination and inter-hospital emergency management to avoid wanderings sources of fatal destinies.
- Work to develop the concept of quality care, according to recognized indicators.
- To ensure the comfort and safety of patients in care facilities.
- Establish a unique identifier and standardized computer medical records to allow monitoring of each patient within a hospital and between hospitals.
- Establish and systematize a system of appointments payable in advance by specific periods, to reduce the waiting time, and size of the services.
- Adopt a regulatory minimum consultations (30 - 60 minutes depending on specialty), including time for medical documentation.

In order to improve the practice of medicine, ethics and performance of careers, we recommend establishing:
- A development at all levels, medical training programs on ethics, ethics, crisis communication and inter professional communication with patients,
- Strengthening the teaching staff of training institutions, improving substantially the number and income (salary and bonuses Research)
- A mandatory continuing professional development system after the initial training. As well as a national credit system for '' recertification '' periodically under the supervision of the National Order of Doctors of Cameroon (ON ™).
- To do this, it is necessary to provide professional, skills development means regulated such as continuing medical education online, Postgraduate Courses (UPE) and research activities in hospitals and institutions of the MOH at district, regional and national, and participation in national and international conferences.

We recommend:
- Consistent distribution, fair and harmonious human resources in health based on medical density. A strict rotation, periodic and systematic in positions,

- The right to medical specialists to perform private consultations in public facilities under certain conditions not causing any deterioration of public service.
- The maintenance of the competitive civil servants doctors and hospitals by creating a scholarship from the centralized job through which positions will be formally advertised.
- The professional activity under contracts of varying duration, renewable on the basis of an assessment of the performance to the satisfaction of both parties,
- Creating incentives with appropriate equalization promoting equitable distribution of health professionals across the country.
- The creation of an independent office of the Human Resources Department but under supervision of the Ministry of Public Health, which would be dedicated to the management of the training of medical and health personnel.
- The acceleration of the decentralization of the management of career records process for applying automatic procedures for advancement and progression.

It is vital that the promotion of a culture of communication between caregivers and patients is in place and regulated.
It is essential to develop and systematize communication tools and exchange of business information within and between health facilities throughout the territory of Cameroon.
New technologies can and should be used for the implementation of an independent and anonymous mechanism of citizen watch to assess real-time customer satisfaction / patients in our clinics.

We want to doctors and paramedical staff of public health facilities:
1. Simplifying and reducing the cost of integration procedures in the Civil Service.
2. Reducing the time taken of costs, following the integration
3. The guarantee of an advance of systematic balance during integration periods, especially before deployment.
4. The guarantee of decent housing and secure in landlocked assigning positions, high arduous or dangerous,
5. The harmonization of various statutes of the State of active agents in health (HIPC Officials vs vs vs 25,000 Contract vs Decision makers, etc. ...)

6. The postponement of the retirement age from 55 to 60 years to overcome the deficit in experienced staff as well as in hospital practice in education.
We wish for all:
1. The promotion of telemedicine and the creation of communication tools between professionals,
2. Encouragement and support for research and innovation in all areas of health,
3. The incentives (organizational, material and financial) to mobilize all the medical expertise of the Cameroonian Diaspora for the care and teaching.

We want the revaluation of bonuses and allowances of health workers in the public and private sectors based on the cost of living, skills, training requirements, and constraints and risks.
We want to physicians, nurses, paramedics and the private sector
1. The revaluation of the salary scale of the tertiary sector in favor of health professionals
2. Harmonization, and the strict application of the above mentioned revaluation by collective agreements in all private care facilities.
We want to physicians, nurses and other paramedical staff, the public sector increased:
- Housing allowances up to the current base salary
- Premiums on call
- Technical Premiums
We also wish to medical officers:
- Harmonization regulated the allocation and calculation of the amount of assessments based on the effective yield in public hospitals to equal category,
- The consistent improvement of the level of experts from the reclassification
- The introduction of regulated private consultations at the hospital out of hours service and in agreement with the management for two half-days per week for specialist physicians, and half a day for general practitioners,
- The introduction of bonuses and special allowances, including:
* Lump Risk premium
* Lump Transport compensation

* Flat rate for night work, Sundays and holiday
* Flat rate shoes and work clothes
* Flat rate for dangerous, unhealthy or obnoxious
* Residence allowance or premium remoteness, incentive target on the scene of landlocked and dangerous assignment, according to an equalization based on the distance.

We wish :
1. The establishment of colleges 'internal' to health facilities to ensure the appointment of directors from qualified candidates from a recognized specific training,
2. The management of health districts by public health specialists,
3. The promotion of good medical practice and nurses in the emergency services,
4. Management of ethics by a dedicated committee within the hospital structures,
5. The re-certification of health professionals by Independent Body as part of continuing medical education accredited by the National Order of Doctors of Cameroon (ON ™).
6. The appointment hospital officials by a peer college.
7. The management of hospitals by doctors trained in management. The administration can be delegated to a business school graduates in the sector "Administration hospitals" (ENAM in this case).
Concretely we propose:
- Promote a medicine based on the evidence generated by clinical research whose promotion must be made and which specific budgets should be allocated annually,
- Assign a share of hospital revenues improved techniques and knowledge for better performance,
- Ensure a multidisciplinary medical and collegial constituting whatever level health teams comprising at least 2 people per health center (ideally four persons including one for each major group of disorders).
- Condition the deployment of young doctors in peripheral health facilities, implementation of an impregnation period under supervision / mentoring 6 - 12 months in regional hospitals.

We recommend :
1. Installation and regulated control of the functionality of infrastructure and furniture work in public and private health facilities,
2. The installation and monitoring decent amenities on the workplace: running water, electricity, toilets, changing rooms,
3. The implementation of preventive measures and the full support of all accidents involving biological hazards in hospitals:
hydro-alcoholic solution of local production for disinfecting hands, available for all, actual vaccinations, compulsory and free for all existing workers in public institutions against health; hepatitis B, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, tuberculosis and pneumococcal and meningococcal in areas at risk. This also applies to interns and students.
4. Upgrading of the technical platform of health facilities, according to their level in the health pyramid.
5. The introduction of health policy at work for regular monitoring of practitioners to assess and define the impact of occupational conditions on the physical and mental health.

Deeply attached:
the principle of equal quality medicine for all, and social security solidarity nationally, the relationship of trust caregivers / carers and carers / cared necessary for quality of care, the need to treat all patients in our conscience, in decent conditions;
praise the current government initiative to reform our hospital system, and appreciate the openness to physician groups, declare as doctors Cameroon, our resolve to work with the sovereign bodies to contribute to the improvement of the system Cameroonian health.

THE April 22, 2016

NB/ BaretaNews translated the french document through google translate. We still await the English version.



His Excellently,
Mindful of the constitution of the Republic of Cameroon
Mindful of the constitution of the SDF, CPP & MRC
Mindful of efforts played by our principals: SDF, CPP, MRC and all other parties to democratically win elections democratically in Cameroon
Mindful of the mass suffering of the Cameroon people due mainly to bad governance
Mindful of the urgency of the now to restore dignity and hope again in our country
Mindful of the deplorable state of our public sector institutions
Mindful of the sad state of our public infrastructure
Mindful of the unacceptably high levels of unemployment in the country
Mindful of the crisis level and extremely high youth unemployment levels

The Cameroon people in the diaspora, patriotic and peace loving declare this day that over the last 34 years of your reign, Cameroonians in and out of Cameroon have been confronted with what a large majority of our people now call failed leadership on a number of issues affecting our national life. Mindful of the important role of an active civil society in the construction or reconstruction of the state, mindful of an inherent right to speak out to defend democratic values, the South African structures of the Social Democratic Front (SDF), the Cameroon People’s Party (CPP) and the Movement for the Renaissance of Cameroon (MRC) supported by other Cameroon Diaspora anti-government movements around the globe this day in Pretoria South Africa jointly affirm the creation of the Cameroon Diaspora Black Friday Movement whose main mandate is to ensure it uses all democratic means possible to ensure that Cameroon finally becomes a democratic beacon of hope as expressed by the collective aspiration of the Cameroon people from North to South, West to East when the SDF was launched in 1990 and the wind of change opened a new page in our national life.
Mr President, you stand accused of having systematically done everything in your powers to move Cameroon far from a truly democratic state where active citizen involvement in national life leads to citizen power where in exercising such, state officials are held accountable as they discharge their responsibilities in national life beginning with the head of state . This has led to the collapse of our major institutions thus hampering the spirit of the Cameroon democratic revolution leading to a near collapse of the state.

We collectively call on you to take actions that will again begin to give Cameroonians hope that the future is infinite with possibilities or reassess your ability to deliver on the national mandate and step down if you can deliver us into our achievable promise land. We demand the following:

1. Fix our medical health systems. The death of 31 year old Koumate Monique and the twins is just a tip of the iceberg with regards to the mounting challenges inherent in our health system. The United Opposition Voices in the Diaspora demand justice for Monique but also call for a thorough review of our health laws and policies to ensure that our public health facilities at minimal cost can provide proper medical care and on time to the poorest of the poor of our citizens. With lack of current data in most aspects of our national life, it is estimated that more than 48% of our citizens now live below the poverty line. These are exposed to a reoccurrence if the right root causes to this unfortunate loss of lives and the many others unreported or broadcasted are not identified and addressed properly. We demand a complete overhaul of our medical health system so we get one that adequately talks to the needs of our people.

2. Stop taking the Cameroon people for granted by changing the constitution of our country when you want, when it serves your individual interest, that of a clique and not necessarily as a result of a natural adaption to positions that will promote and increase the fortunes of our nation Cameroon. When you allegedly ordered your CPDM members of parliament to use their majority that came from highly fraudulent and badly organised elections to move the Presidential term limit from 5 to 7 years and then removed term limits for the office of the President in the subsequent constitutional change again, that amounted to a blatant rape of the Cameroon constitution and all its institutions. Mr President, we call on you to reverse this process, by using your unpatriotic CPDM members of parliament who voted for this bill so as to serve you to do the right thing for our beautiful nation Cameroon. All Cameroon Presidents must serve a maximum of two (2) terms of office, no more, with a term not exceeding 5 years looking at global best standards.

3. Put in place credible anti-corruption mechanisms with a true intent of putting a nail on the coffin of this cancer in our society. Corruption in our country is normal practice and almost a culture these days. Where there is corruption, democratic gains fizzle out in the illicit trade of buying voices that build democratic institutions. In 1998, Transparency International classified Cameroon as the most corrupt nation in the world. This did us a lot of damage in image and investment inflows. We must win the war on this.

4. We decry the state of our infrastructure. Our roads are death traps. Our schools, medical facilities, water, electricity capabilities and more have not only failed to meet up with the need of the day but will not be able to serve Cameroonians in future.

5. On terrorism, we applaud the government for efforts in containing Boko Haram. We however call on the Head of State and parliament to visit the terrorism law that tramples on the constitutional right of freedom of speech and expression of our people. People cannot be protesting for legitimate reasons that will build the nation and are branded terrorist or quasi terrorist. We must not turn Cameroon into a police state under the pretext that we are fighting terrorism. Civilized society uses acceptable democratic practices to fight terrorism without trampling on citizen rights.

6. Put an end to the attack on the press. The press is a very important instrument of nation building. Media houses and journalists can no longer be suppressed for carrying out a constitutional mandate that is noble and legal. We have courts that can address issues of irresponsible journalism.

7. Stop the illegal arrest of politicians as they rally our people to raise their voice on issues that are pertinent to them. State perpetration of these is tantamount to state terrorism.

8. Mr President, you have now ruled Cameroon for 34 years and are well into your retirement age. Reject the calls by the very unpatriotic CPDM members calling upon you to stand for elections again as President during the planned 2018 Presidential elections. You have changed our constitution twice to accommodate your quest to lead our country. At this moment, Cameroon needs a much younger President who can connect with the popular will of our people. Cameroonians need peace. 
Cameroonians are calling on you to distance yourself and reprimand these corrupt minded CPDM members of your party and bootlicking government officials. We call on you to make a public declaration you will not be running for Head of state again.

9. Mr President, news of an early 2016 Presidential election is rejected vigorously by the people of Cameroon. Let’s respect the constitution of our country. There is no major crisis in our country that will require such unwarranted distractions on our national plan. As the collective of the opposition, we must quickly state here that we are not scared of elections. We will beat the CPDM any day any time free, fair and credible elections are conducted in our country. But, let’s follow civilized tradition, respect the people of Cameroon and respect our constitution.

10. The unemployment situation of our country is alarming. Joblessness is made so many Cameroonians hopeless and forced many to go into foreign lands where they still have no future because of the harsh reality of surviving in a foreign land as foreigners. Home is home. It is our responsibility as leadership to create a thriving economy capable of creating jobs for our people in the different sectors of our economy. This will be a trigger for worst things to come if your government does not address this unemployment challenge in our country.

11. Cameroonians today, 26 years afterwards are still calling for a Sovereign National Conference where we will conduct a national audit of our national life and like one man chat a path forward for a peaceful, prosperous and peaceful Cameroon.

12. Rural development, food security and land reform are issues that must be given serious attention.

13. It is the right of the people to choose who they want whenever there is an election in the country. Our electoral processes are still far from what we will call minimum acceptable standard for fair elections. We call for a replacement of ELECAM with a truly Independent Electoral Commission with full autonomy and independence from the start of the electoral process right through to results declaration. For all ELECAM focal points in the diaspora, it is practically impossible for Cameroonians very far away from towns where Embassies are situated to get registered. We call on you to get the necessary institutions to make funds available for ELECAM to go to the people and get them to register to vote otherwise we will perceive this as systematic exclusion which we will always stand against.

14. Lastly, Mr. President sign the Dual Nationality Bill. You promised Cameroonains you will do that while you were in France. It is good for Cameroon, it will allow us to be more economically active in countries in which we find ourselves to survive economically and thus support our families and country. There is an overwhelming diaspora call on this bill to be signed. Mr President sign the diaspora bill.

We trust the urgency of the now will inform your judgment to take the deep concerns of the Cameroon people seriously.

Done this Day,
22 April 2016, Pretoria South Africa
Comrade Milton Taka, Global Coordinator - THE CAMEROON DIASPORA BLACK FRIDAY MOVEMENT & SDF SA Chairman
Com Nestor Djomatchui, MRC SA

Comrade Sofa Augustine, CPP SA

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Two days ago , we learned that one of our colleagues exerting in the town of Kumba had been arrested following the death of a newborn. This incident illustrates the climate of insecurity that prevails for doctors recently. Here is his testimony.
MedCamer (MC) Hi J, we know and understand what you are going through and would like to let you know that we are all fully supporting you. You are not alone but we would like to know more about what happened to you. Can you please enlighten us with your side of the story? We would like to have a few answers from you without violating medical confidentiality of course.
Dr J: Thanks to all of you for the concern. I will sincerely answer all your questions.
MC: How are you?
Dr J: I am physically fine with some headache due to the punches I have received on my head. I am morally down and angry.
MC: Can you tell us what happened to you?
Dr J: I was attacked by the father of the premature baby who deceased in our hospital. He assaulted me and punched me on the head. I just protected my eyes and my face from the blows. People came to rescue me. I was the one who called the police because this man was breaking everything he could see in the Hospital.

MC: Is the hospital a public or private facility?
Dr JE It was in a Private Hospital with a 150 beds capacity, 4 surgery rooms and many others.
MC: Was the arrest for your own protection?
Dr J: No. Because the parents did not think of reporting the case to any authority. They were out to do jungle justice to me and the facility. I was the one instead who called the rapid intervention unit of the police to stop him from vandalizing and assaulting. Then the senor state council ordered the commissioner to detain me for malpractice.
MC: Is there a complaint filed against you?
Dr J: Yes. I am accused charged for involuntary manslaughter, carelessness and negligence.
MC: Were you detained in a cell at the police station? In a jail?
Dr J: At the police station.
MC: Who took you there?
Dr J: When I called the police to stop the act of vandalism, we were all taken to the police station. They took our statements and decided to lock me up.
MC: How long have you been detained?
Dr J:  I have spent 38 hrs in detention.
MC: Under what conditions was the arrest made?
Dr J: I was carried in the police van and the father or the deceased baby was driving his Mercedes car behind.
MC: Can you tell us about your conditions while there?
Dr J: I was left to stand there and it was only thanks to the police officer on duty that I was allowed to sit on a chair in front of the cell until dawn. I remained there until 06 pm when I was taken to the legal department of the Kumba high court.
MC : Did you receive any visits? Was anyone allowed to visit you?
Dr J: I was visited by so many people. My coworkers, family members, patients, colleagues and friends and even passersby who heard of the event.
MC: Is there anything that you need?
Dr J: The first thing I need is moral support. I also need some financial assistance to follow up the case. I will also file a case against the boy for assault and vandalism. I will file a case against the state council for illegal detention and illegally breaking into medical secrecy. They destroyed my image and reputation and I want justice for that.
MC: Thank you Dr J. keep holding on.

Interview conducted for MEDCAMER by VNK.  2016/04/12

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Are Cameroonians Politically Confuse?

Everyone knows that Cameroonians need change. How can such change be achieved? The change can only come if Cameroonians rally behind an opposition leader. It can be achieve through civil disobedience to force Biya out of office or through the democratic means by means of a ballot box. Cameroonians feel more comfortable with the later, but yet Cameroonians do not trust Cameroonians. I understand the frustration with the political process because the regime in place has made people to be fed up, but should people from the Cameroons give up?
I have posted information concerning various opposition leaders. When it is about Fru Ndi, Cameroonians say he is old and works with Biya. When it is Kah Wallah, they say she is coming only when elections approaches. Some say she is not morally sound to lead Cameroon. As for Kamto Maurice, they say he was part of the Biya regime. As far as Ayah Paul is concerned, Cameroonians say he is lost already. As for UPC, Cameroonians complain of the supposed faction. USDP of Prince Ekosso, Cameroonians say he is very young and lack experience. When the name of Joshua Osih is mentioned, others say he does not have support in his home town, others say he has a business relationship with Biya son. When it comes to other smaller opposition parties and their leaders, the same is true. The only argument is that they are part of the Biya regime.
Cameroonians say they need a completely new breed of politicians, yet they cannot even support young people who show their head up. WhenTata Kwawi mentioned he was running for parliament and supposedly under UNDP, hell broke loose on social media. What do Cameroonians want? Folks, the reality is that it does not work that way. Cameroonians cannot just do away with this current batch of politicians abruptly even if Biya leaves office. It has to be slowly yet efficient and transition from this generation ( whether government or opposition) to the Android generation.
Yet everyday Cameroonians on social media are hoping for a united opposition leader to challenge Biya. Cameroonians are hoping for the messiah to free them. Some opposition leaders have called for a nationwide strike, instead, to support and spread the information, accusations upon accusation is coming in. Should Cameroonians just surrender Cameroon to Paul Biya to do away with it as he deems fit? If Cameroonians cannot trust opposition leaders then why do they even want Paul Biya out?
In this business of political change, you just have to sometimes trust and pray for the best. There is nothing like absolute truth within a political process and those who champion it. It is important that Cameroonians support the opposition leaders who at least are talking and same time trying to do something on the ground. Castigating them always does not help, it helps only Biya. I do not know what to say further, but Cameroonians got to just try. DO NOT GIVE UP.
These politicians need your support.

Monday, March 28, 2016

UB Girl Scandal: UB Official Speaks Out

BaretNews talked to a university official on the issue of university student delinquency and he had the following to say....Read on

BaretaNews: Who is Che Eugene?

UB Official:  Well, I work as the Guidance Counselor of the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences in the University of Buea. As you well know, it's one of the biggest Faculties in terms of programmes and student numbers. Some students have referred to it as the biggest ship on land.

BaretaNews:  Have you heard about the Buea girl who allegedly drugged a certain bushfaller while stealing from him?

UB Official:  Well, I learnt, just like everyone else did through viral audio and video posts on social media about the sad incident of a girl busted for allegedly drugging and trying to extort money from her boyfriend, after they had philandered at the hotel. Well, it's true that everyone quickly attributed it to UB girls - whatever that means. Anyone can, actually, as long as they live in Buea, claim to be from UB. I know lots of friends whose FB profiles show very interesting organisations where they work, albeit the fact that some have never as much as owned a CV. Well, not to say that the concerned girl might not have been from UB, but to say that UB is the place to be, with every effort directed towards grooming intellectuals of the heart and head, and where such behaviour is not welcome.

BaretaNews: It is alleged that UB girls have contacts in most hotels, any truth in it

UB Official:  Well, about UB girls having ready contacts in hotels, I cannot independently verify at the moment. But as I mentioned earlier, a student residential area like Molyko can be a melting pot for so many things. You've heard about religious fanatism around here, cultism, philandering, you name it. It would seem like students find new freedom away from their parents to indulge in despicable things. Then out of sight becomes out of control. Today, a parent was visibly dejected to learn that there was a first semester break for almost three weeks, and her daughter never bothered to return home just in nearby Douala. Rather, she had been asking for more pocket allowance. And behold when we checked into her results, she had passed in only five out of the twenty one courses she had registered for in the past two years. Is that who you refer to as a UB student? I guess no.

BaretaNews: What is UB doing to put some morals into her students?

UB Official:  In relation to UB'S work towards moralizing the students, we're doing our best, albeit the fact that we can't do very much. Most students enroll here with an already formed character. Secondly, they're frenzied by new found freedom, peer pressure, a new environment, you name it. Someone once said you cannot turn a pope into an Imam overnight. The University organizes induction and orientation sessions for students every year. But this only has an impact for those who have ears.

BaretaNews: The university is supposed to protect her students, do they have any insurance policies? What have the student affairs done in light with the student being arrested. Has the University tried to identify the student if she is truly a UB student

UB Official: I guess it's beyond my scope. Reason being that they are more within the scope of central administration, and I really wouldn't have information even if there was a meeting to that effect.

BaretaNews: What is the University doing to clear her name
UB Official: Well, clearly, the University of Buea dissociates itself from anyone, be it student or not, whose actions are such that will jeopardise the image of this beautiful university. Of course as students, you have rights, but also duties and responsibilities. One of the responsibilities is to behave responsibly. You may want to know that when the said incident was being reported, the University of Buea was on Easter break. Students were supposed to be on break, and observing the festivities of Easter. If a student decides to leave his or her place of sojourn for the break, and get involved in extra - student activities, it is but normal that they cannot be under the cover of the good will of the University. Students are therefore hereby cautioned to act responsibly. I used to tell my students that the same UB whose name you're destroying could well be the same UB where you could be called to lead as Dean, HOD or vice chancellor tomorrow. I take myself as a glaring example. I left UB in 2008, and just 3 years after in 2011, I came back to work there. What if I had vomited on the road? I would have come back to clean it sooner, if at all.

BaretaNews: Thank you for talking to BaretaNews

UB Official: It was a pleasure. Thank you for your concern about our work as stakeholders in combating student juvenile behaviour. Hopefully, together, we will be able to go a notch higher. Thanks indeed!