Monday, January 19, 2015


NB/ Article first publish 17th May 2008 

The Head of state, His Excellency Paul Biya some three years back heaped a lot of praises to the recently sacked General Manager of the Cameroon Shipyard and Industrial Engineering LTD known as Chantier Naval for the speedy growth and progress of the company within a short while. This goes without saying that Mr. Paul Biya knew the capabilities and statesmanship found in Mr.Zachaus Forjindam reason why he single-handedly picked him up and praised. Nevertheless because of the in-fighting that has been ravaging the company, the post of deputy General manager in charge of financial affairs was created, a post that never existed even in other state own corporations. This gentle man was accused of emblazing FCFA 970 million together with the human resource manager madam Rose Njoh. Recently, some local tabloid has attributed this to what is known as the Beti mafia.

          Be it as it may, my main worry is the fact that, it is allege that the deep sea port project meant for limbe was manipulated and taken to kribi after feasibilities studies proved that Limbe is the best area for such project. This is what Forjindam has been fighting to bring to Limbe. It is well established that Limbe has naturally sea port other than what exist elsewhere in the country whereby on a monthly basis the sea is being dug for sand removal in order to make it possible for the ship to off load onshore. This again is another aspect of total assimilation and neglect of the English region by the francophone powerful autocrats. What are the so called south West chief conference doing? Since they present themselves as the mouth piece of the south west people. In fact what meaningful things have this gentle men of the south west chief conference done for this province? All they know is to visit the Prime Minister and received their own share of the envelopes and present the problems of the province on paper, something which they know cannot be fruitful. Again where are the sons and daughters of this Anglophone region who claimed to be prominent members of Government? Can’t they also fight and ensure that God’s reality be done? All they know is to fight and kill themselves for the position of the Prime Minister. In fact, it has just been proven that our representatives are toothless bull dogs. How can the Government prefer to be loosing billions of CFA just to ensure that sand is dug out of the sea port in Douala and Kribi when we have a natural one here in Limbe that could help us save the money and used it for other developmental projects? I have been talking lately with a host of persons and just this aspect of manipulating the deep sea port project to Kribi is making the younger generations of Anglophone origin asking why? But Why? Reasons hard to finalize. May be someone should respond to this my article and give logical and conclusive reasons for taking the deep sea project to Kribi. I think the Government should do everything in her power to wipe away this tendency of Anglophone/Francophone hate politics.

            It is also alleged that Mr.Forjindam sacked came as a result of his fight to see the creation of the limbe shipyard project instead of Kribi. He also wanted to ensure that the deep sea port project stays in limbe but the Beti mafia could not allowed him breath. Ministers and state owned General Managers have been in power for two-three years embezzling billions upon billions but Forjindam who has been the longest state owned manager for over twenty years is being accused of embezzling just FCFA 970 million not alone but with his human resource manager Madam Rose Njoh meaning both of them share the cost of the money embezzled. What makes me worry is the political bad faith and under tone not even the embezzlement charges.  
    It is true that the Betis dominate and virtually sit and occupy almost all financially viable sectors of the Country’s Economy and since Chantier Naval has reach it apex of oozing out money, it is now time for one of theirs to sit on the Gold mine. The new General Manager  of Chantier Naval, Atoine Alo’o  Bikoro hitherto deputy general manager in charge of financial affairs, a post that was created and never existed in state corporations, was set in motion to complete the bad faith and evil intentions of the Beti click. Recalling that,  it was the same Bikoro who lead the audit team which finally saw Forjindam packing out of the corporation, though Forjindam wrote to the presidency and protested the irregularities found in the audit report, nothing has filtered out of the presidency. How can you ask a rival to audit the GM? Obviously there is bound to be bias just to give a dog a bad name to hang it. However let leave it to the court to decide whether he is guilty or innocent if and only if the court would not act according to the wing and caprices of the power that be.

    I think the Head of state who heaped a lot of praises to Forjindam for his good work at the helm of Chantier Naval should come out tall and ask for the audit report which he ordered be published so that the truth can be known rather than relying on the ill fated audit report done by the Board of Directors lead by the new GM. It is the responsibility of the Head of State to ensure that someone he praised some years ago, one who has contributed a lot to the nation is free from the so called Beti Mafia at the corporation, if that is done then the president must have been seen acting as the true father to all Cameroonian. After all it was the same Forjindam who started the all sing song of constitutional change to give the president life presidency till death do him part. He might just be paying to nature call......................

Mark Bara
Cameroon Anglophone Political Activist.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Africa is one of the finest continent on earth. The continent is full with large natural resources yet one of the poorest continent in terms of livelihood and human development. This is so because a few greedy people have confisticated its wealth with tacit collaboration from the West who are geared towards protecting their interest only. My take is that it seems Africa is still in the dark ages, while other continent create regional alliances to create forces, Africa states are more of a unilaterally one state affair. The people across Africa do not feel for each other, there is no concern between the people. Despite our common colonial past and series of languages and our common way of doing things as Africans, we have still not found that bond and the need to collaborate to see into it that, the insecurity of one other country is a threat to the security of other countries.

Recently, we have seen the deadly attacks of Charlie Hebdo wherein 12 persons were dead. We saw how France responded. We have seen the response of the international community towards this attack. We have seen how the press reacted to these attacks. We have seen some African head of states sending messages of condolences to France ( fair enough)

The manner of response across the globe has been disproportional when we compare with other attacks in Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon etc and even with the open killings of African-Americans in USA. A terrorist is not only one who carries bombs and guns.
The EU in some days time would be meeting and there are already calls to toughen security laws. While I accept with whatever moves the EU might want to do after all they must be seen to protect their people and country. What is AU ( African Union) doing concerning Boko Haram attacks that has claimed thousands of life? The threat has shifted to Cameroon, what is really the response of AU to deal with this new found threats?

Recently, the President of Benin sets a day of mourning for the 12 Paris deaths while hundreds are being killed in Nigeria everyday and he has never said anything? It is clear that African francophone presidents are useless and house boys for France when two presidents (mali and niger) are going to france to join the march  when they have never shown any sympathy for any killings in Nigeria? Shame to francophone heads of state. How many African heads of state have shown sympathy to each other when terrorists struck? And you see the number of other western presidents going to France because of 12 deaths!!!! I am sorry for us Africans. Do not get me wrong, I condemn in strongest terms the attacks by these terrorist in the name of religion. I am looking more at the two side faces shown by world leaders in terms of other lives.

It is time for African leaders to come together now than ever to combat any threat posed to Africa. Africa leaders should not be turning attention elsewhere wherein the reciprocal love is not being shown.

May all lives lost as a result of terrorist attacks rest in peace.

Indeed Je Suis Africa.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Breaking the Silence:Hon. Ayah speaks out

Following his promotion last December as Advocate-General at the Supreme Court of Cameroon, which came shortly after his alleged election as the new National Chairman of the Southern Cameroons National Council(SCNC), Hon.Ayah, was  not immediately available  for inquisitive reporters  to get his reaction about his new status. Last Friday January 2, Recorder Editor Christopher Ambe  Christoper Ambe caught up with the Magistrate of Exceptional Class in Buea  for an exclusive interview. Hon. Ayah, who just returned from his native village of Akwaya, did not hesitate to speak out. Below are excerpts of our conversation:

RECORDER: Hon. Ayah, happy New Year.

Hon Ayah Paul: Thank you .Thank you for coming .Happy New Year to you in return.

Honorable, how would you as a politician describe the just-ended year 2014?

2014 was more of a fake year than otherwise in terms of politics. We have often said that there is no legality in what we call reunification in Cameroon. So the big event titled “The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Reunification of Cameroon” was really fake. As I have often said, our parliament has ceased to play the role of a parliament-because we don’t see a situation where Parliament is in session to enact the finance law and while they are still in session, the President of the Republic -after a cabinet meeting, comes out with they call Plan d’Urgence-that is, revenue outside the control of Parliament. The much I know is that the Cameroon Constitution provides that the President can, by ordinance, make use of revenue outside the budget; and subsequently, Parliament would meet and either endorse the ordinance or reject it. But I know no law anywhere where we can have two parallel budgets in a country: the one adopted by Parliament and the one adopted by the President of the country. This is violation of the Constitution. And when we put into practical terms, the investment budget of 2014 was executed at less than 35%, now if we have adopted a budget which is even higher in amount and the President has superimposed what they call Plan d’Urgence up to a thousand billion FCFA, I doubt where the President is going to get the people who will execute the budget and the Plan d’Urgence.The very people who could not execute the budget of 2014?  So to me, it is a paradox .In terms of political events, I would say nothing really happened in 2014.

What is your reaction to President Biya’s New Year Message?

I know the President has just made an end-of -year speech but everything in that speech is just routine. Countries around have gone to war over the years, yet they are developing. If Boko Haram-what they call a terrorist organization, is causing havoc, I don’t see how anyone can invoke it as a cause for our country not to develop. Indeed, 2014 was simply a year of contradictions.

A few days before the end of 2014, your name, I understand, was a subject of discussion in various newsrooms of the national media, because you were allegedly elected in absentia as National Chairman of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC); then shortly, in a answer to your cry, to be re-integrated into the Ministry of Justice after your 11 years in Parliament, President Paul Biya appointed or promoted you to the rank of Advocate-General at the Supreme Court. What is your reaction?

My reaction, first, is that I have decided not to say anything about SCNC in the time being. I may give you another opportunity to come for an interview on the SCNC on a subsequent date. So, I would not say anything in that regard now

As regards my going back to Ministry of Justice, I read a few write-ups which have no meaning. I think that, modesty demands that if somebody does not know, they should seek expert opinion. What I know is that the law of this country makes it possible to leave your department as a civil servant and work in another department; and the law provides for detachment. (I have heard the word secodment, but I have not seen it in an English dictionary. So I prefer detachment) When you are so detached,at the end of your period of detachment, the law provides that you come back to your former department as of right; the law on the election of Members of Parliament equally provides that for all the time you are in Parliament if you are a member of the judiciary, you are on detachment; which is  to say what? For my eleven years in Parliament I was on detachment and as a matter of law and at the end of my mandate, I had to go back to my ministry of origin as of right. This is a matter of law as I have said and I, as a man of law should not be the first man to go against that law.

I would have been re-absorbed in the Ministry of Justice as soon as my mandate came to an end in September 2013 in accordance with the law, but for one reason or the other that was not the case and I had to wait for fifteen months.

Probably as some people have indicated it was because the Judicial Council had to meet to re-absorb me. I entered Parliament as Vice-President of the Court of Appeal here in Buea and therefore a magistrate of the bench, and I could not be absorbed until the Judicial Council had to say something about it. So is the law and I have simply complied with it.

Honourable Justice Ayah, conscious of some landmark judgments that you have passed, many people would have preferred that you be appointed as a judge at the Supreme Court. Are you happy with your appointment as Advocate-General?

In the Cameroon judiciary things are not as they are in the Anglophone system. The position of Advocate-General may be translated simply as Deputy Attorney-General in the Anglo-Saxon system. With the English system-Common Law, everybody is a lawyer. They practice the law (and the judges sitting up there) and when you shine, you are now raised from down there to the bench, and once you are raised to the bench you remain there until retirement or death or whatever. In the Cameroonian system, you can be on the bench this year and next year you go to the Legal Department. Or, you are in the Legal Department and the next time you are on the bench. I don’t know what criteria they use but so it is!

The fact, however, remains that in my career I was essentially on the bench. For my twenty-four years before entering Parliament, I was on the bench for twenty years and in the Legal Department for just four years. So whatever they used to keep me on the bench I wouldn’t know and whatever they have used now to put me in the Legal Department I wouldn’t know either; but the point is that wherever you are you do justice!

I have done my best I think many people might have seen what I tried to do.So, wherever I am I would render justice to everybody without fear or favor. The public can count on me.

Conscious of the courage and dynamism in your leadership  some people feel that you should have turned down your appointment as Advocate-General, and continue as a politician and Secretary-General of Peoples Action Party(PAP).As Advocate-General ,could you still practice politics?

Let me say something. We do a lot of talking in the country with little action and people draw conclusions with very little knowledge of the real situation on the field. I was member of the judiciary; my people cried out and I got into politics. Now I have gone  back to the judiciary-because I have a choice either not to go or to go.I applied to go on early retirement and my application was turned down .But just sitting down and saying I will continue in politics does not make sense. 

These are the first people to cry that you cannot do politics without money. And If I have stayed for 15 months without a franc I don’t know what politics I would have done without a source of income. So, the choice is entirely mine and I think that it is better for me to build my career. Those who heard the appointment and those who are reading me would understand that, I was raised to the highest point in the Judiciary; I was raised to Index 1300, backdated to July 1, 2012, which means that by now in accordance with the law-the statute on the Judiciary I have clocked Index 1400.I don’t see how I opted for a career and all of a sudden I would turn away in favor of politics and lose what may help me in the end. What may help me in the end in the sense that, my pension would be calculated on my index level. So, I have to prepare my future. You cannot work for the society without being alive, without having the means to work.

So working for the society is one thing, but you have to work for yourself as another thing. And, without working for yourself, you cannot work for society. My Priest recently told me that the only useful person is the person who is alive.
I don’t see how I can do politics without a means of livelihood.

For all the time I have been in politics I have received very little support from Cameroonians in terms of material support. For the whole presidential election, all the money anybody gave me here in Cameroon amounted to almost one hundred thousand Francs-as presidential candidate. So when people say you have the dynamics to lead in politics, they are paying lip-service; If they give you the means to do that ,of course you would do it but they do all the talking, but very little ,practically.

Now, Can I do politics as an advocate –general of the Supreme Court?

I am well aware that I have two impediments: One is the issue of neutrality. In fact, I prefer impartiality. And then, you must be reserved. Reserved in the sense that if a matter crops up and you have expressed an opinion about the matter and if it eventually comes before you, you must decline jurisdiction. So there you have those two impediments. But as much as I have read in the law in this country, only people in uniform and who carry guns, and administrators are barred from practicing politics while they are civil servants. I have not seen anything that precludes a magistrate from doing politics.

Again, as a member of the Legal Department, as a legal officer, you don’t take final decisions. You submit, the person who takes the final decision is the person presiding. Again, you have the possibility of self-recusal (a legal jargon), that is you say that ‘I have an interest and so I cannot hear it, I cannot prosecute it or I cannot represent the state with regards of the matter’. So, those possibilities are there.Everyhting put together as I have explained, there is nothing that bars a magistrate of the Legal Department from practicing politics.

Would you not consider giving up the position of Secretary-General of People’s Action Party (PAP) so that you concentrate better on your career for now?

I will think about that. But for the time being I cannot give an outright answer .People at times look at political parties in Cameroon in terms of individuals. A political party is a group of people; so one person, perhaps, not leading does not mean that it is the end of the party. I agree entirely that in respect of PAP a good many people came forward and joined because they knew me and bought my ideas. But now that I have reduced the ideas into writing, they are there to guide the rest of the people just in case I decide to step aside

I was forced to step into politics and perhaps I have some satisfaction that, I answered my people’s call. I have just come back form Akwaya.Today I can drive to Akwaya, without passing through Nigeria; today,Akwaya is connected to the rest of the world by telephone network; they are working on the water supply which we built ourselves between 1969 and 1971.I think what Akwaya town lacks at the moment is just electricity. So I left Akwaya high up there from the ground. At that time I was alone, but today Akwaya has a senator and an MP.Together, they should be able to carry on from where I left.

Let me take you back to your salary situation. For some 15 months ago you went without your monthly salary and the people who want you to lead in the political domain, I mean your supporters (apart from your family) did not come to your assistance. What is your salary situation now?

In fact, this is the sixteenth month without a salary; It is true that I received nothing from anybody except from my family relations. The situation now may change because as I said my promotion was backdated to 2012, which is to say that I should be expecting some arrears. So we are looking forward to a better tomorrow. At the moment, the situation has not changed where I was in the last 15 months.

( First Published in The RECORDER Newspaper, Cameroon, of January 8, 2015 )

Sunday, January 4, 2015


  NB: This article was first published on 25th February 2009.

  The Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary defines agony as great pain or suffering (of mind or body). Thus, whenever 11th February approaches, the supposed plebiscite day turned Youth day with her real meaning, facts and manner of celebration distorted, I always have this great pain and suffering in mind and the case is true for all those who are true Southern Cameroonians. From the word go, the agony touches the very foundation of British Southern Cameroonians and Cameroon Republic at large. But history teaches us that 11th February 1961 was that fateful day British Southern Cameroons voted voluntarily to join East Cameroon without the third option of self-independence. This action culminated in the independence of Southern Cameroons on 1st October 1961 thus by this very act la Republique and British Southern Cameroons became one to be governed in a Federal System. That is history and history can never be change even the devil has no power to change history, therefore no government, no oppressor, no colonizer will change that. Lies can only be told, but the truth shall always save mankind. Bishop Rodrigo Borgia, in the book the family says what is written on paper affects history, not life. life is a different history.

          The Mystery in all these years of the Ahidjo – Biya rule has been to distort the very foundation of the people of British Southern Cameroons . Their identity has been hidden and worst of all curricula in schools right from basic to university levels are very shallow concerning the history and real facts of Southern Cameroons , such books have been tailored and sponsored by the regimes to ensure the effective misrepresentation of our history. I have always been a bigot on the real facts of West Cameroon because it is only on this platform that the so much cherished unity of Cameroon reigns and is guaranteed and any government that shy away from the Anglophone cause will hardly succeed. I advise any leader who wishes to run for the 2011 presidential election to include the Anglophone cause in his manifesto proposing possible solutions that still guarantees the unity of Cameroon.

          What most Cameroonians lack  is the basic knowledge of their history, you must not study history in class before knowing those very fundamental issues that touches your very foundation and existence. What has triggered my write-up has been the fact that most Cameroonians (85%) especially the youth do not even know the significance why they celebrate 11th February. All they know is an avenue to meet new friends, dance, drink, match past and go home. The government also uses this opportunity for reckless spending and embezzlement of tax payers’ money. Even the Youth day message from the head of state is nothing to write home about.

          President Richard Nixon, the former US President once said “let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth, to see it as it is and tell it like it is, to find the truth, speak the truth and live the truth”. Why has the truth been manipulated about 11th February from the youth? Why change of name from Plebiscite to Youth day? Does it not suffice that even if the names are changed, the real meaning of the day could still be celebrated? Where are the Youths matching to? It is really sad to realize that all these have been the handiwork of the government.

          It is shocking to realize that even the message from the head of state has never carried anything about the real meaning of 11th February. This is suppose to be a day of remembrance, a day when government can sit and analyze how far the unity and marriage between Francophones and Anglophones has gone, a day to look at the achievement done so far, what are the challenges ahead? what are the drawbacks that threatens Cameroon’s Unity and development and how to remedy such instead the government dodges from the real facts thinking it undermines and threatens the unity of Cameroon. I think it does not for what it is, it is and what is not, is not .The Anglophone people would belong more if the truth is celebrated. Even those top Anglophone officials, including the Prime Minister Ephraim Inoni are aware that the feeling of about 90% of Anglophones in Cameroon is one of “How man go do, make man just take”. A frustrating spirit. This is not suppose to be the case, if we are Cameroonians, we should feel belong.

          Reading through Eden Wednesday 18th February 2009 N° 348 edition, page 10  of the question, “What do you know about 11th February?” I realized shockingly, that out of the few youth questioned, 98.99% of them do not even understand the importance and significance of 11th February. Most of them look at the day as a merry making event where new friends are made. Hear one of them “on 11th February, Youth get to meet new friends and is a day filled with joy and happiness and the field is crowded by many people waiting to watch the match past …… by Rosaline Bassah Street Care Bilingual foundation”. Another a UB graduate, hear him”. This day should instead be turned into a day when youth are trained. I don’t even know yet any significance…….. by John Etta Egbe, UB graduate”. The rest is the same with no real answers even University students are brain empty on the significance of this day. This is terrible and a big shame. The above question and answers given is just a reflection of the ignorance of most Cameroonians. It is really a pity.

          Southern Cameroonians should get up from slumber and let 11th February be celebrated by all and sundry as a Plebiscite day where both Francophones and Anglophones can come out in their numbers and celebrate the real meaning of their history, the foundation of their unity and existence. This is the only truth and the only way 11th February could be celebrated if not history shall judge us all.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


 NB: This article was first published on 24th September 2008 at Eden Newspaper and other local newspapers in Cameroon.I was still naive maybe but the fundamentals remain the same.For the records I now hold the opinion that Re-unification and/or secession does not exist. I have decided to re-publish it unedited as it was first written...Read on

All men were born equal with equal inalienable rights; the human rights declaration makes us to understand that and even the holy bible preaches this to us. Each and every nation in this universe cerebrates their independence day with all plumb and pageantry . The Holy Bible in Genesis chapter twenty three to twenty four reads “Then the Man said, at last, here is one of my own kind-bone taken from my bone, and flesh from my flesh, woman is her name because she was taken out of man, that is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, and they become one”. 

    Implicitly looking from  the Biblical point of view, the Holy Marriage between la Republique du Cameroun  and British southern Cameroons can be related to the marriage between a man and a woman in the sense that southern Cameroons with all her economic and natural resources was the “man”  who left his home town , voted massively during the 11th 1961 February plebiscite to joint la Republique du Cameroun  in a marriage with equal status and therefore by this very act Francophones and Anglophones became one blood, one bone and one flesh. But it is important for us to note here that even before a man and a woman get married, they come from different background and cultures with equal rights before coming as one and there are certain rights that neither party can breached.

    But again what does 1 st October teaches or reminds us? 1st October reminds us as the day both Cameroons; the British Southern Cameroons and la Republique du Cameroun became one following the 11 February  plebiscite even though the marriage was not consummated because there is no document at the UN which seals such a marriage but Historians tells us that Cameroon was one before being partitioned between Britain and France and so this is the basis  of the so- called Cameroon being one and indivisible as propagated by our Francophone brothers and even some of our Anglophone Francophonised brothers. It is also true that a man and a woman getting married might come from the same village but again they might still have some cultural differences and ideologies (for example Bali nyongas and Bali kumbat, both having one origin with some different cultures ) thus Southern Cameroons even though were one with la Republique du Cameroun  before being partitioned, we now have different status, cultures, language, education, ideologies and difference ways of doing things for it has been destined to be so through the scramble for Africa and this makes us two different people if not we would have also claimed that Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Chad, Equatorial Guinea etc is Cameroon because Africa was one and indivisible before being partitioned among Europeans who scramble for Africa.

    British Southern Cameroons being the “husband” because of her economic and natural resource got married to la Republique du Cameroun the “wife” and they became one, therefore a husband or wife in a marriage will never stop his/her partner from celebrating his/her birthdays instead both partners can contribute and make such a day a success without the other getting afraid that celebrating a birthday might make you think of your family ties and return to them.

    La Republique du Cameroun has been behaving like a nagging wife, one who wants to take control of the house and over throw her husband for it is the same with the Francophones the “wife” who has assimilates and annexed Anglophones the “husband” while using her population and military power to take over all the husband resources and even deprived the husband God given right to celebrate his birthday and in a better sense depriving Anglophones from celebrating their independence. 

    We are all aware that 1 st January 1960, La Republique du Cameroun got her independence and fortunately for them year in year out, on this day the president of the Republic addresses the nation and awards/ medals given to deserved military officials implicitly La Republique du Cameroun  is celebrating her independence day. It should be recalled that the whole idea of Anglophone secession only came up as a result of Government neglect of Anglophone cause, changing of names from Federal Republic to United Republic to Republic of Cameroon; a name originally acquired by Francophones during their independence, Marginilisation  etc. Where is the place of Anglophones? The mistake the government and francophones most especially have been doing is to consider Anglophone as a tribe/province, I want to refute this, history does not teach us that, we are a state that voluntarily voted to joint East Cameroon and so had it been the above would have been avoided then I think there wouldn’t have been any need for some Anglophones clamouring for secession.

    What the government should realize is that, there is nothing bad allowing Anglophones to celebrate their independence day on 1 st October for the President Mr Paul Biya could also address the nation on this day most especially in English. This will make Anglophones proud and inclusive for I am sure the tendency of secession preached by some Anglophones will be dying out. The whole issue lies on the political will to make things work. I want to believe allowing the celebration of 1 st October in good faith will not breed secession. A husband ‘Southern Cameroon’ will only sue for divorce with his wife ’La Republique du Cameroun’ if the wife is a cheat, does not keep to the ethics and terms of marriage, does not use her political background, population and military might to make the husband feel marginalized and so if  Southern Cameroonians are provided with what their forefathers originally wanted, trying as much as possible to avoid policies that makes Anglophones feel marginalize, keep to the term of re-unification, making Anglophones feel inclusive; and above all return to a federal system where the  presidency rotates between Anglophones and Francophones then I think all will be good and no body will preach secession for want to believe British Northern Cameroon that joint Nigeria had not been complaining of secession because they feel inclusive, they get to manage their resources in a Federal system and administration  is closest to the people. Cameroon could also emulates from other federal systems .Believe me it will work. It just demand the political will and good faith of our leaders.

    Martin Luther King Jr. once said “ our lives begin to end the day we keep quiet about things that matter”and so the issue of celebrating the independence day of Southern Cameroons matters to me a lot and there are so many ways celebrating days like this, therefore my conscience will not let me be if this day passes by without me celebrating it in my own way. I believe historically and naturally it is my birth given right for it is high time Anglophones start doing what historically and naturally belongs to them.
    I advocate for federalism and not secession. Let the government allow Anglophones start celebrating our independence day.