Thursday, March 31, 2016

Are Cameroonians Politically Confuse?

Everyone knows that Cameroonians need change. How can such change be achieved? The change can only come if Cameroonians rally behind an opposition leader. It can be achieve through civil disobedience to force Biya out of office or through the democratic means by means of a ballot box. Cameroonians feel more comfortable with the later, but yet Cameroonians do not trust Cameroonians. I understand the frustration with the political process because the regime in place has made people to be fed up, but should people from the Cameroons give up?
I have posted information concerning various opposition leaders. When it is about Fru Ndi, Cameroonians say he is old and works with Biya. When it is Kah Wallah, they say she is coming only when elections approaches. Some say she is not morally sound to lead Cameroon. As for Kamto Maurice, they say he was part of the Biya regime. As far as Ayah Paul is concerned, Cameroonians say he is lost already. As for UPC, Cameroonians complain of the supposed faction. USDP of Prince Ekosso, Cameroonians say he is very young and lack experience. When the name of Joshua Osih is mentioned, others say he does not have support in his home town, others say he has a business relationship with Biya son. When it comes to other smaller opposition parties and their leaders, the same is true. The only argument is that they are part of the Biya regime.
Cameroonians say they need a completely new breed of politicians, yet they cannot even support young people who show their head up. WhenTata Kwawi mentioned he was running for parliament and supposedly under UNDP, hell broke loose on social media. What do Cameroonians want? Folks, the reality is that it does not work that way. Cameroonians cannot just do away with this current batch of politicians abruptly even if Biya leaves office. It has to be slowly yet efficient and transition from this generation ( whether government or opposition) to the Android generation.
Yet everyday Cameroonians on social media are hoping for a united opposition leader to challenge Biya. Cameroonians are hoping for the messiah to free them. Some opposition leaders have called for a nationwide strike, instead, to support and spread the information, accusations upon accusation is coming in. Should Cameroonians just surrender Cameroon to Paul Biya to do away with it as he deems fit? If Cameroonians cannot trust opposition leaders then why do they even want Paul Biya out?
In this business of political change, you just have to sometimes trust and pray for the best. There is nothing like absolute truth within a political process and those who champion it. It is important that Cameroonians support the opposition leaders who at least are talking and same time trying to do something on the ground. Castigating them always does not help, it helps only Biya. I do not know what to say further, but Cameroonians got to just try. DO NOT GIVE UP.
These politicians need your support.

Monday, March 28, 2016

UB Girl Scandal: UB Official Speaks Out

BaretNews talked to a university official on the issue of university student delinquency and he had the following to say....Read on

BaretaNews: Who is Che Eugene?

UB Official:  Well, I work as the Guidance Counselor of the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences in the University of Buea. As you well know, it's one of the biggest Faculties in terms of programmes and student numbers. Some students have referred to it as the biggest ship on land.

BaretaNews:  Have you heard about the Buea girl who allegedly drugged a certain bushfaller while stealing from him?

UB Official:  Well, I learnt, just like everyone else did through viral audio and video posts on social media about the sad incident of a girl busted for allegedly drugging and trying to extort money from her boyfriend, after they had philandered at the hotel. Well, it's true that everyone quickly attributed it to UB girls - whatever that means. Anyone can, actually, as long as they live in Buea, claim to be from UB. I know lots of friends whose FB profiles show very interesting organisations where they work, albeit the fact that some have never as much as owned a CV. Well, not to say that the concerned girl might not have been from UB, but to say that UB is the place to be, with every effort directed towards grooming intellectuals of the heart and head, and where such behaviour is not welcome.

BaretaNews: It is alleged that UB girls have contacts in most hotels, any truth in it

UB Official:  Well, about UB girls having ready contacts in hotels, I cannot independently verify at the moment. But as I mentioned earlier, a student residential area like Molyko can be a melting pot for so many things. You've heard about religious fanatism around here, cultism, philandering, you name it. It would seem like students find new freedom away from their parents to indulge in despicable things. Then out of sight becomes out of control. Today, a parent was visibly dejected to learn that there was a first semester break for almost three weeks, and her daughter never bothered to return home just in nearby Douala. Rather, she had been asking for more pocket allowance. And behold when we checked into her results, she had passed in only five out of the twenty one courses she had registered for in the past two years. Is that who you refer to as a UB student? I guess no.

BaretaNews: What is UB doing to put some morals into her students?

UB Official:  In relation to UB'S work towards moralizing the students, we're doing our best, albeit the fact that we can't do very much. Most students enroll here with an already formed character. Secondly, they're frenzied by new found freedom, peer pressure, a new environment, you name it. Someone once said you cannot turn a pope into an Imam overnight. The University organizes induction and orientation sessions for students every year. But this only has an impact for those who have ears.

BaretaNews: The university is supposed to protect her students, do they have any insurance policies? What have the student affairs done in light with the student being arrested. Has the University tried to identify the student if she is truly a UB student

UB Official: I guess it's beyond my scope. Reason being that they are more within the scope of central administration, and I really wouldn't have information even if there was a meeting to that effect.

BaretaNews: What is the University doing to clear her name
UB Official: Well, clearly, the University of Buea dissociates itself from anyone, be it student or not, whose actions are such that will jeopardise the image of this beautiful university. Of course as students, you have rights, but also duties and responsibilities. One of the responsibilities is to behave responsibly. You may want to know that when the said incident was being reported, the University of Buea was on Easter break. Students were supposed to be on break, and observing the festivities of Easter. If a student decides to leave his or her place of sojourn for the break, and get involved in extra - student activities, it is but normal that they cannot be under the cover of the good will of the University. Students are therefore hereby cautioned to act responsibly. I used to tell my students that the same UB whose name you're destroying could well be the same UB where you could be called to lead as Dean, HOD or vice chancellor tomorrow. I take myself as a glaring example. I left UB in 2008, and just 3 years after in 2011, I came back to work there. What if I had vomited on the road? I would have come back to clean it sooner, if at all.

BaretaNews: Thank you for talking to BaretaNews

UB Official: It was a pleasure. Thank you for your concern about our work as stakeholders in combating student juvenile behaviour. Hopefully, together, we will be able to go a notch higher. Thanks indeed!

Friday, March 18, 2016


Rape is defined as sexual intercourse that is forced on a person without his or her permission. It may involve physical force or the threat of force. It may also be done against someone who is unable to give consent.
Sexual intercourse may be vaginal, anal, or oral. It may involve the use of a body part or an object. (Medline Plus)
NO means NO even when you think NO means YES, it doesn't. Most African girls during foreplay use words like; "No, Please Stop, I don't want it yah, Stop Stop, get off me". In other parts of the world, penetration after NO is considered RAPE, even if the woman is your wife, girlfriend, friend or side chick. No, not in Africa. When a woman says no, the man actually thinks she is saying NO because she doesn't want to look cheap or doesn't want to appear as giving up the cookies easy. So he believes, if he applies much needed pressure, she'll give in. There is a wide spread understanding that NO just before penetration means yes.
There are a few women who actually say No but would still hold you in a lock position with her legs and you cannot free yourself. Don't fall for it Guys.
No doesn't mean yes and never will it mean yes.
Girls please do not say No if actually what you mean is Yes. If you do no want to have sex. Say No and stand you grounds. Rape is an everyday occurrence in Africa and we do not consider it a problem. Our sisters, daughters carry this scar everyday and nobody is able to understand their pain. If a woman says NO and you apply any kind of pressure (even soft pressure) you just committed Rape. Walk away guys when you hear NO even if it is your wife or girlfriend.
A woman has the right to change her mind even during sex. Even if you are inside her and she says STOP, as hard as it sounds, please withdraw.
A lot of African women are raped everyday with this No mean YES mentality.

Treize Quatorze, March 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

UB lecturers calls for Vice-Chancellor replacement, promises to shut down the University.

The National Union of Teachers of Higher Education (SYNES) University of Buea Chapter, met in General Assembly on 2 March 2016 to deliberate on the socio-educational atmosphere on campus, the injustice and pain lecturers have endured in the last four years and particularly the expiration of the tenure of the current Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Nalova Lyonga due to her retirement in February 2016. The General Assembly discussed objectively and frankly, the disastrous engravements of Dr. Nalova Lyonga on the academic and social life of the University, and much more, the shame and damage she has brought on the good name of the University and the collective psyche of staff respectively.
The General Assembly of SYNES University of Buea Chapter therefore:

-          Mindful of the directive of the Prime Minister and Head of Government that every retired officer should be replaced with immediate effect;

-          Considering that any delay in replacing the current Vice-Chancellor is a stay of the Prime Minister’s directive and the continuous asphyxiation of the academic and social aspirations of the University;

-          Considering that Dr. Nalova Lyonga has never embraced dialogue ever since she was appointed in 2012, but rather shunned it and carried out acts that stirred anger and caused unrest simply because she felt that she could use her position to call in police to maim her opponents;

-          Recalling that she took 10 innocent lecturers to the police on false charges which she herself orchestrated through a fake email circulated on the internet with the complicity of Dr. Molua Ernest and Dr. Kingsley Ngange. Her intention by this accusation was to charge the lecturers to court and eventually incarcerate them for terrorism and have them physically eliminated on the grounds of national security;

-          Recalling that she did not dissociate herself from an incendiary and extremely xenophobic letter supposedly signed by some Fako chiefs in June 2013, with the instrumentality of Dr. Molua Ernest and Ngange Kingsley, promising to deal with lecturers of non-Fako origin “using orthodox and non-orthodox means”;

-          Recalling that she framed two lecturers for corruption and scandalized them on CRTV Buea for extorting money from students, dragged the said lecturers before a Disciplinary Panel and failed to prove her allegations;

-          Recalling her onslaught on academic standards by trying to fraudulently and insistently award a PhD to a certain Mrs. Ali Joan Wacka who was not registered at the University of Buea and had not fulfilled the conditions required for the conferment of the doctorate degree;

-          Recalling that this same Ali Joan received a salary for more than six years during which she was not teaching. Throughout that period, she spent endless hours in the Vice-Chancellor’s office spreading gossip and eavesdropping on official conversations and was protected by Dr. Nalova Lyonga. She was also given more than 3 million to go to the USA for an excursion when colleagues applying genuine for academic visits were turned away;

-          Recalling that in furtherance of her rampage on academic standards, she drove to an examination hall to fire an invigilator from the hall after Mrs Biaka, a candidate in the MBA exam who was fidgeting, called her on the phone to report that the invigilator had changed her seat. She asked the candidate to return to her seat and continue fidgeting;

-          Recalling that she instructed that first semester exams in 2016 be written in the university  after only eight out of the statutory thirteen weeks of lectures in violation of UNESCO standards, even against the advice of Faculties and SYNES that students were not ready thereby causing many students to perform poorly;

-          Viewing that this onslaught on academic standards started when she caused her daughter to write undergraduate exams alone in the middle of the semester on the grounds that she was to travel abroad before the end of the semester. Then, resit exams were eventually instituted in  ASTI because this same daughter of hers failed several courses and would not graduate on time if she was not given a chance to resit them;

-          Recalling that she has swelled the support staff roll with about 300 new recruits mostly from the same ethnic background; a proof of her tribalistic disposition. In fact, recruitments are not advertised; rather, people are called on the phone to come and take up positions which yield fat salaries while lecturers type their documents and print off campus. This spurious recruitment is sucking up subventions to Faculties and inflating the academic debt;

-          Considering that as part of her diabolical ploy to an
Considering that as part of her diabolical ploy to antagonize lecturers with each other, she appoints junior colleagues newly recruited to head departments, just to spite much older staff in those Departments and calls to find out what the reaction is;

-          Recalling that this very Vice-Chancellor does not have a clean financial record; she does not pay the Faculties their fair share of the 35% of subventions received from the State because she uses it to pay salaries of support staff. As a result, some Faculties still owe bonuses of 2014 and 2015 much to lecturers’ chagrin;

-          Recalling that she banned taxis from entering the campus and rejected proposals for the University to adopt its own transportation scheme simply because she planned to set up her own transport company under the name Bajo Club, heavily subsidized by the University. To this day, the company has not been able to acquire enough buses to serve the population of UB. At times, there are two buses to serve about 20,000 students, teachers and support staff. University staff are compelled to trek in the sun, rain and often get to work late because the buses are never there;

-          Recalling that three Peugeot cars used by two Deputy Vice Chancellors and the Registrar disappeared shortly after she assumed office and much later the Vice-Chancellor’s black Prado also disappeared after 132 million Francs was given by the Prime Minister for the purchase of new service cars (being 55 million Francs for a new Prado for the Vice-chancellor and 82 million for Honda vehicles for her deputies and the Registrar) one would have expected a public auction of the old cars or that they be given to some Deans whose service cars are about 20 years old and out of use;

Hereby unanimously resolved as follows:

1.     Lecturers have waited patiently for her tenure to expire with all its sham and drudgery and borne every pain despite provocation knowing that her departure is eminent. The shame brought on the reputation of the University by Dr. Nalova Lyonga and pain inflicted on the individual and collective psyche of the members of the UB community should no longer continue after she has duly retired.
2.     Dr. Nalova Lyonga’s continuous stay at the helm of affairs is an academic and financial hazard to the University with a serious effect on our occupational health.
3.     The General Assembly shall reconvene within 14 days to consider an indefinite strike action if appropriate steps are not taken by the powers that be to match the Prime Minister’s directive with action, that is, relieve our retired colleagues of their administrative duties.
4.     If or when a strike is declared, there shall be no lectures, examinations/defences and practicals.
We urge students, parents and the public to understand and to recall their children home in the event of a trade dispute.


Sango Martin, PhD                                                                           Fokam Bertrand Eric, PhD
First Vice President                                                                            Second Vicec President                                                                               

Fontem A. Neba, PhD                                                                      Enoh Richard, PhD
Secretary                                                                                             Welfare Secretary

Chief Andrew Ngeh, PhD                                                                Chief Fombo Fah, PhD
Public Relations Officer                                                                     Financial Secretary

James A. Abangma, PhD

-          The Prime Minister and Head of Government
-          The Minister of Higher Education
-          The Vice-Chancellor, University of Buea
-          The SG/SYNES

-          The Press

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Biya Sanctions Revision of Constitution: High Stakes in Parliament

1. .The March session of Parliament is convened for March 10, 2016.

2. It will traditionally begin constituting new executives of the assembly bureau

3. Reports suggest in view of major constitutional changes within the country institutions, Cavayé Yéguié Djibril, who has been speaker of the house for more than 20 years, could lose the position to a much younger and dynamic Member of Parliament, while 82-year-old Senate President, Marcel Niat Njifenji, who has reportedly not been in a good state of health lately, may be dropped altogether.

4. Biya who is not currently in the Country has already endorsed the tabling of a bill that will amend the constitution of Cameroon. sources also hinted that there will come a sweeping cabinet reshuffle once the session ends and the constitution is amended.

Some of the changes hinted by the Cameroun Journal presidential source include:

a. To amend article 6 (3) of the constitution to give the President powers to call early presidential polls. This, our informant said will take place before the women’s Africa Cup of Nations, AFCON, holding in Cameroon, beginning November 19, this year.

b. The reduction of mandates from the current seven years unlimited terms, to five years with the precision, “renewable once.”

c. The introduction of a single ballot for all the candidates in presidential elections, the widely-clamoured two-round voting system practiced in most democracies around the world and the re-introduction of the post of Vice President.

d. Consideration of stepping voting age from 20 to 18.

However, there are growing speculations that the decision by the Biya regime to call early presidential polls have been prompted by fears that a new French president, expected to emerge after the April 2017 presidential election may prove hostile to another term for the Cameroon leader who by 2017 would have clocked 35 long years in power.

Let us see how March 10th session unfolds.

God is still saying something
Sr. Cameroon Journal.