Friday, October 16, 2015


A Cameroonian US based professor Patrice Nganang is insinuating that those 300 soldiers are Cameroonians who have been forced to flee the country, went to the US, studied and have now become US soldiers. He contends that those same soldiers would ' marche sur Yaounde' (lay siege on Yaounde and oust President Biya.
Solomon Amabo Amabo then added " By implication we would have US soldiers (with names like US Soldier Mbock..US Soldier Neba...US Soldier Ekema...US soldier Kamga... US Soldier Bakary...US soldier Onana.... etc if they had not picked up Western names... Would this be a curse or a blessing at this present dispensation? He went on to castigate President Paul Biya for having exorbitant powers. Amabo frowns at the fact that, Paul sits in his office, picks up his phone(literally) and calls on President Obama to send American soldiers to Cameroon without consulting or inforling his Parliament, a parliament in which he has a majority of parliamentarians.
Kah Wallah of CPP added " Why do we as Cameroonians find out that American soldiers will be on our soil, only when the American President goes to consult his Congress. When did our own president consult the National Assembly and inform the people?
Why does our government treat the citizens to whom this country belongs as if we had no rights and no say? What does it say about us as Cameroonians that despite our very physical security being threatened, we continue to allow a government that is incompetent, lacks proactivity and has no respect for our basic rights as citizens to continue? If not NOW, then when?"
Ayah Paul Abine, one of the Chief judges at the supreme Court sounded very skeptical, here him "I said it! Yes, I did caution!
Now, look at what's happening! The very day we learnt the Yankees are coming in 300 soldiers, Germany disclosed they are sending a military attache to their embassy in Yaounde... Coincidence? ... Well,you are entitled to your opinion. But mine is that the ordinary Cameroonian needs to know what's in the offing. We who have no bank accounts abroad. We who have only one home, and it is in Cameroon. We who have no jet planes to ferry us out into safety at short notice. We that RFI, BBC, CNN, would gloss over our demise...The few have no right to commit us without our knowledge and consent. They have no right of life and death over us. We want to know what is happening. Even if only for us to say our last prayers! Those are inalienable RIGHTS!
More updates on this later
God is still saying something.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Of National Mourning Day: Mecca or Boko Haram Victims?

Misplaced Priorities ?

President Paul Biya has declared Friday 16th October as a national mourning day in honour of the mecca stampede which claim scores of lives. While we cannot disregard the lives of Cameroonians killed in the stampede, the Government of Paul Biya should show equality and pay more respect to those killed in the north of Cameroun and most soldiers who lost their lives.

Some political pundits hold that President Paul Biya is right not to declare a national day of mourning for victims of Boko Haram because the war is on-going. They believe it is only after the war must have ended that he could now declare a national mourning day.

Others hold the view that, declaring a national mourning day in honour of the victims show a form of defiance against the terrorists. Such a move would tell the terrorists that the movement or activities of the state would not be dictated by them and that as a nation, Cameroonians will defeat them. Others say addressing the nation specifically on this will show strength and give motivation to the soldiers and citizens of Cameroun.

It should be recalled that President Paul Biya, the Cameroun dictator has however never personally decorated dead soldiers  or paid a visit to the war zone.

What do you think? Is President Biya right to declare a national mourning day for Mecca victims and ignore Boko Haram victims? Your thoughts.

God is still saying something.