Sunday, June 21, 2015

Football and the "Anglophone" Problem

The national team of Cameroun just exited from the World Cup with their heads high and as a lover of football and the fact that I am an African, I supported this team all through out. Yes, the composition of the team saw no "Anglophone" apart from the coach who is said to have a Francophone upbringing though an Anglophone himself. I do not know whether Anglophone ladies do not play football or whether they play and could not be selected. What I know is that, at all fabric of national life in that country called Cameroun, there is a systemic and continues marginalisation of Anglophones.

Some people have been quick to say both Francophones and Anglophones are subjects to Biya's policies and poor administration.They said though the Anglophone problem is real, the Francophones too are suffering from the hardship caused by Paul Biya. I think in other African countries, all citizens faced the bad governance of their government whether they belong to the government party or not, it is a cankerworm in Africa.

In Cameroon both Anglos and Francos faced the bad governance of Paul Biya and are also subjected to similar hardship like any other Africans will face in their country but that is not the Anglophone problem.I prefer to call it the Southern Cameroons question.Let me however use the term Anglophone for easy understanding (Anglophone herein refers to Southern Cameroons). The Anglophone problem is unique and can be compared to no other problem in Cameroon. The Anglophone problem is that of assimilation, annexation, in fact it is a constitutional problem involving a state whose people have become stateless. The only solution is restoring that state and there are just two ways in restoring that state depending on what the people of Southern Cameroons will vote for.

Now when it comes to football, supporting the lionese does not mean supporting the Biya's regime or supporting the pain inflicted on the people of southern Cameroons as a result of the Anglophone problem.People should be able to differentiate these things. I have seen Southern Cameroonians supporting the Camerounese team, there is nothing wrong with that, I supported the team and so what?. When we support English, Italian, Spanish, French football clubs and even bet money on them, does that make us English, Spanish or Italian? Are not these the same people who colonised us and put us where we are, yet we support and enjoy their teams. Most of us support basketball played in USA, we watched their films and series , we argue over their actors on who is best or not and do not even recognised our own African film actors and comedians, what does that signify?

In most football competitions, some of us would support Brazil, Germany, USA , France etc, does that make us their citizens?. Are not these the same people who captured our parents into slavery, colonised us and created boundaries in Africa? So therefore my friends who are southern Cameroons activists should not get worked up when the Cameroun team is being supported by Southern cameroonians, they must be able to put things in context.When it comes to football, because of the love and art of the game, it is a different ball game entirely.If you hate anything camerounese that is your problem for freedom does not come from hatred. Freedom comes from love despite the terrible things inflicted upon you by the occupier.This is what Ghandi, Martin Luther, Mandela showed.

Like it is popularly said within Christian cycles, hate the sin and not the sinner. Hating anything Camerounese or hating Francophones because of the mess our parents both Anglophone and Francophone politicians together with the complicity of France and UK put us cannot and will not solve the Southern Cameroons question. Freedom comes from love and justice and only these virtues can get us to the promise land.
God is still saying something.

Friday, June 12, 2015

HISTORY, FACTS AND LIES- Non-implementation of UNGA Resolution 1608 (XV)


SEASON THREE:  Non-implementation of UNGA Resolution 1608 (XV)
1. Was Southern Cameroons self governing?

The Southern Cameroons was fully self-governing from 1954 to 1961. It was a thriving constitutional  democracy  operating  parliamentary  system  of government  modelled after that of the British. During that period it had two free and fair elections, a peacefuregime change, and a Constitution (the Southern Cameroons Constitution Order-in- Council 1960) based on values of democracy, the rule of law, an independent judiciary, an open society, a free press, freedom of expression and movement, human rights and accountability. It had international personality and international status, first as a League of Nations Mandate and secondly as a United Nations Trust Territory. By dint of this international personality and international status, it was a qualified subject of international law. After seven years of full self-government,  the Southern Cameroons was poised for sovereign statehood as provided in Article 76 b of the UN Charter and the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (UNGA Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960). Rather than grant independence outright to the Southern Cameroons, the United Nations and the United Kingdom as Administering Authority contrived to organise a questionable plebiscite in the Territory.

2. What happened after publication of the plebiscite results?

Soon after the plebiscite results were announced Republic of Cameroun started plotting secretly on annexing the Southern Cameroons. And yet, in 1959 the President of Republic of Cameroun had gone to the United Nations and given the solemnly assurance that it had no expansionist ambitions and that it would not annex the Southern Cameroons. We are not annexationists, he declared to the World Body, stating that Republic  of Cameroun  is prepared  to form a political  association  with the Southern Cameroons on a footing of equality.”

3.So what happened on 21st April 1961?

On 21 April 1961 the General Assembly of the United Nations met to consider the results of the plebiscite. It took two separate roll-call votes on those results. The first roll-call vote endorsed the decision of the people of the Trust Territory to achieve independence. The second roll-call vote acknowledged the matter of political association with Republic of Cameroun in a federation of two states, equal in status. In Resolution 1608 (XV) of that date, the results of these two separate roll-call votes were infelicitously conflated in one sentence thus: endorsed the results of the plebiscite that the people of the Southern Cameroons decided to achieve independence by joining Republic of Cameroun.

4.What does the resolution state?

In that resolution the United Nations went on to appoint 1st October 1961 as the effective date of independence of the Southern Cameroons concomitant with the termination of the Trusteeship Agreement in accordance with Article 76 b of the Charter of the United Nations. In rather ambiguous phraseology,  the World Body  further decided on the termination of the Trusteeship Agreement “upon the Southern Cameroons joining the Republic of Cameroun. Untidily, all three events, namely, independence, termination of trusteeship, and joining, were enjoined to take place on the same date. ‘Joining was however made conditional upon the Southern Cameroons, Britain and Republic of Cameroun finalizing the manner of implementation of the federal set-up agreed upon by the Southern Cameroons and Republic of  Cameroun  before the plebiscite.  On this

specific point the United Nations in that same resolution invited: the Government of the Southern Cameroons, the United Kingdom, and Republic of Cameroun to initiate urgent discussions with a view to finalizing before 1 October 1961, the arrangements by which the agreed and declared policies of the parties concerned will be implemented.

It was understood by all concerned that the United Nations would be associated with these urgent discussions contemplated by Resolution 1608. This understanding comes from the solemn assurance given by the United Kingdom Government during Anglo- Southern Cameroons talks in London in October 1960. During those talks the British Secretary of State for the Colonies informed the anxious Southern Cameroons delegation that:

A vote for attaining independence by joining the Republic of Cameroun would mean that, by an early date to be decided by the United Nations after consultation with the Government of the Southern Cameroons, the Cameroun Republic, and the United Kingdom as Administering Authority, the Southern Cameroons and Cameroun Republic would unite in a Federal United Cameroon Republic. The arrangements would be worked out after the plebiscite by a conference consisting of representative delegations of equal status from the Republic of Cameroun and the Southern Cameroons. The United Nations and the United Kingdom would also be associated with this conference.
5. We learnt Republic of Cameroun Voted against the resolution?

Republic of Cameroun advisedly voted against Resolution 1608 (XV). By that act it rejected political association with the Southern Cameroons and maintained its frontiers with the Territory  as unchanged.  The instruments attesting  to its independence  and international boundaries deposited with and duly recorded at the United Nations when it was  admitted  to membership  of  the  Organisation  remain  unchanged.By July 196Republic of Cameroun started speaking expansionist language. It assert claim to the territory of the Southern Cameroons.

The envisaged Four-Party post-plebiscite conference failed to take place, resulting in the non-implementation of the outcome of the plebiscite. In fact, after adopting Resolution 1608 (XV) of 21 April 1961 the United Nations simply washed its hands off the Southern Cameroons. And yet the trusteeship still had at least six months to run since the United Nations itself had set 1 October 1961 as the end date of the trusteeship. 

The United Nations did not monitor post-plebiscite developments in the Trust Territory. It did not require the Administering Authority to submit a report on developments leading up to termination of trusteeship. It made no efforts to ensure the effective implementation of its own resolution. Republic of Cameroun cashed in on this serious dereliction of responsibility by the United Nations.  It  carried out  military incursions deep into the Southern Cameroons. On 1 September 1961, its Assembly passed a law amending its Constitution by providing for the annexation of the Southern Cameroons. In that law and in  policy statements  made  afterwards  Republic  of  Cameroun  stated  that  the  Trust

Territory of the Southern British Cameroons is part of its territory returned to her by the United Nations and the United Kingdom. In the same month of September 1961, French- led forces of Republic of Cameroun marched into the Southern Cameroons, physically occupied the territory with the acquiescence of the Administering Authority, and began enforcing an unwarranted state of emergency declared over the peaceful Territory.

The annexation and occupation of the Southern Cameroons took place while the United Nations and the Administering Authority passed on the other side like the Biblical priest and the Levite. Tragically, the Southern Cameroons did not achieve independence promised by the Charter of the United Nations and the plebiscite. Nor was there a valid political association of the Southern Cameroons and Republic of Cameroun. Republic of Cameroun occupies the territory and administers it with an iron fist as its colonial dependency.

Produce by Mark Bara
Publish by Bareta Media and Communications
Answers culled from Southern Cameroons Briefing Papers