May the peace of the Lord bless us wherever we find ourselves on this planet earth. I am very proud to announce to the community of UB Ex-Students from the Department, Faculty and Central Union levels that, due to our combined efforts together with the Chairman Emeritus Eyongetta Stanley, Nkongho Ndip, Kelly Kah Isidore, Nemkul Samuel, etc UBSU is very much strong alive. Various leaders within their epoch in UB had contributed enourmously to see into it that, students welfare and rights are protected.May God continue to bless them wherever they are on this planet earth.
Information reaching me is that, on Monday 15th April 2013, over 250 Students’ Representative met in Amphi Theatre 150 C to elect the new Executives of UBSU Parliament/Council. It should be recalled that, UBSU Council is the legislative arm of the Union which has Student Delegates from all Departments and Faculties voted by their respective levels, it also includes Departmental Associations Presidents and Secretary Generals together with Faculty Presidents Associations. This body is the law making house of the Union which acts as a check and balance for the Student Leaders in UB. I am proud to have been a member of the said house. I am proud to have learned that the election went on successfully and gradually the Union is getting out of the crisis she finds herself. It is a good thing to also know that, the trip we collectively sponsored by sending the Country Representative of UBSU Ex-Officials Mr.Amabo Marcel Mutanga to Buea is baring fruits.
As Ex-officials from UB, we can only support these current leaders to fight injustice and tyranny within the University Community and the larger Cameroon. I call on us all to help sustain these fruits we are beginning to build.We must do this because we are children from the same womb-UB Leaders.
On May 2nd 2013, 11 UB student leaders shall be appearing in court for the 5th time.This time, we expect the Vice-Chancellor Dr.Nalova Lyonga to be officially present as she is testifying against her own motherly children because they disagreed with her on February 6th 2013. We must rise up and stop this evil in UB and Cameroon.We must support the current leaders in their move to mobilise over 5.000 students to court on that day.This initiative shall go a long way to shake the very fabric of our judicial system. The Biya regime must see the power of the students.This move must prove to the world that, these students are not alone. We must not allow Mr.Biya’s Government to take advantage of Students’ Leaders.
As senior brothers and sisters from the UB community, as men and women of honour and intergrity, as men and women of valour, I challenge us all, sons and daughters of UBSU, home and abroad to make a move.We should stand up for UB Students’ leaders, let us rise above our differences, let us rise with our consciences, let us prove to the devil and his masters that the good of the society is greater that the gifts he can offer us, let us stand for justice and mark our names on the sand of history.
Our modest contributions towards the court trials of Students’ leaders which comes up on May 2nd 2013 in Buea shall go a long way to preserve our legacy.Contributions can be send to Marcel Amabo Mutanga, +237 77510352, Cameroon.
God Bless UB
God Bless UBSU
God Bless US
Bara Mark B
Provisional President General-UBSU Ex-Officials
East Flanders, Belgium